Thursday, August 21, 2008

RPG games in Facebook!

I got an invitation from a friend in facebook to play a RPG game. It's a classic RPG game that I used to play on earth and Utopia ages ago!

The first game I joined is call Elven Blood. When I logged in, the skin and everything looks really cool! I think i was going to like it and I did.

If you are playing this, please join my party by sending invitation to me okay? More people group together in a party, the better change you can win a battle.

The second game I joined is call Blood Lust. It's re-skin version of Elven Blood, but I like the game play so much that I don't care if it's a copied version from the original game.

So anyway, when I'm free, I'll just log into facebook and clicking all the buttons to play these RPG games.

I'll see you there in game!

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