Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Super 7 Stone - Highest Vibration Crystal

Also known as Melody's Stone, is a much needed gift from the Espirito Santo (meaning Holy Spirit) region of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Also called Sacred Seven, they are yet another stone in the kingdom which never needs clearing or cleansing.

Contained within the Super Seven Crystal, Melody's Stone are all the energies of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Goethite and Lepidocrosite combined. This "flambeau" stone (displaying what appears to be tiny flames of fire) exhibits a phenomenon often referred to as St. Elmo's Fire, or the electro-magnetic emissions sometimes seen during an electric storm above a spire or the mast of a ship. (Saint Elmo is the patron saint of sailors.) Super Seven Crystal, Melody's Stone are also said to exhibit a display resembling Aurora Borealis, or the Northern Lights.

We have been working with Crystals and minerals of all sorts for fifteen years now, and though we first began working with Super Seven Crystal, Melody's Stone only recently, we find the Super Seven Crystal, Melody's Stone to be a wonderful companion stone in the work we are doing here, and quite a complementary stone to all those who work with the healing and ascension of mankind. In the last few months we have taken a great interest in these awesome Super Seven Crystal, Melody's Stone, and find them to be a very timely gift to all of humanity.

Super Seven Crystal, Melody's Stone contains the properties of at least seven different minerals, making them tremendously "potent," and some of the natural crystals have exhibited other incredible characteristics and habits as well. We have imported them directly from Brazil in all different forms, from tumble stone to natural and polished crystals, and we have also hand-cut some beautiful gemstones.

In addition to the properties of each individual mineral contained within the stone, we also find that Super Seven is a wonderful companion for those who are seeking to dispense with old ways of thinking and acting which do not allow the ways of "peace and harmony" to rule in their life. Said to represent the universal "brotherhood" of humanity, all configurations have also been of tremendous assistance in awakening, stimulating, and developing psychic abilities, including telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. Super Seven is a wonderful gift which has come to light now, to assist us in developing our gifts and abilities to be used in conjunction with the healing and ascension of Earth Mother and all her inhabitants. Super Seven is especially good for those who may be experiencing empathetic feelings with Mother Earth, or are dealing with the results of the "earth changes" which have already begun and are progressing rapidly now.

AMETHYST is a wonderful companion stone for those who are seeking spiritual enlightenment, and opens us to receiving Divine Love. It is a great bestower of strength, stability and peace in stressful situations, being a very strong tool for transmuting "negative" to "positive" energy. It is also a terrific choice for those wishing to instill more patience in their lives, reminding us that we always have "enough" time for everything.

CACOXENITE in Amethyst or Super 7 is a wonderful companion stone for those who are here to assist in the "ascension of humanity." It can help to bring a new "spiritual awakening," promoting new ideas and understandings, and aids us in seeing the positive, and benevolent sides of life.

CLEAR QUARTZ CRYSTAL, sometimes known as Rock Crystal, is a beautiful manifestation of God's pure love and light. Crystal helps to bring "celestial" energy to the soul, and to enhance and amplify both energy and thoughts. It is a wonderful tool for communication and for receiving information from other-worldly masters, healers and teachers. It can greatly increase the energy flows of love, light, peace and harmony for the greater good of all mankind.

GOETHITE within Amethyst or Super 7 helps us to become "in tune" with the energies of the ethereal realms and the Higher Self. It can facilitate and enhance communication with the Angelic Realms, and can stimulate and amplify clairaudient abilities. Goethite is also wonderful for those wishing to lessen the burdens of distraction, and increase their abilities to concentrate and focus.

LEPIDOCROSITE within Amethyst or Super 7 can help to promote grounding and centering, while acting as a stimulus to intellectual pursuits. It is extremely beneficial in clearing any mental confusion, and to expanding and retaining knowledge. This stone is also excellent for all those on an "ascension" path, helping to awaken and enhance communication with the Higher Self, and the Angelic and ethereal realms.

RUTILE within Quartz, Amethyst or Super 7 can bring strength coupled with love, ease in making transitions, and an accelerated growth in all levels of development, body, mind and spirit. It is an excellent choice for promoting and building stability within relationships, marriages and emotional or mental imbalances. In addition, it is an incredible tool for dispelling unwanted energies in both the physical and spiritual realms, and can aid one in astral travel.

SMOKEY QUARTZ is Crystal that exhibits a light to dark smokey grey to black color throughout the crystal, usually due to being exposed to Uranium or other natural radiation during growth. It is a wonderful companion stone for those who seek "grounding and centering," enhancing focus and attentiveness to the moment. In addition, Smokey Quartz is an excellent choice for those seeking to promote creativity and "good business acumen" within all relationships in their lives, and is also an excellent choice for those who are under a lot of stress.

NOW, the only One Syper 7 Stone is available at Lightworks. It was imported with the purpose to serve the one who needs it.

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