Friday, July 18, 2008

Making Magical Fairies Potions

Information extracted from Almine's Book call "Arubafirina".

Potion for Green Magic

Mix and boil together:

1. Olive Oil
2. Dandelion seeds
3. Lavender flowers
4. Thistle mush
5. Grass powder

For all things natural, especially if it is broken.

Like a tree falls after a storm, then u wanna make a big batch; otherwise, to only make a flower grow, only need a small amount.

Thistle Mush is ground thistle. Will need 2 -3, mixed with oil. Grass powder is dried grass ground into fine powder.

Can store at room temperature for 5 - 10 days.

Potion for Red Magic

Mix and boil together:

1. Bendover Oil
2. Dandelion leaves
3. Dragon's blood
4. Cherry juice
5. Egg whites

If u are hurt or anybody got hurt, use it. But it's not good to use for bones.

Hurt like cut or torn muscle, will need big batch.

Just put the potion on skin for 5 minutes and then wash it off. Dun put it ON the cuts, just put it near the area will do.

Dragon's blood = dragon's blood stone, ground to powder

Bendover oil = Lemon juice, oregano, chili, chili powder, jasmine oil and parsley mixed with olive oil.

Can store in fridge for 2 days.

*** If you have no idea what is this all about, get the BOOK at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah Bendover oil is a combination of several stuff together:

Lemon juice
chili powder
jasmine oil

All Above mixed with olive oil.